

Saturday 30th May 2015

An early wake up at 6am saw us at KLIA2 in plenty of time for our 10.25am flight to Manila to start our Philippines adventures. A 30-minute delay is part and parcel of flying with Air Asia but we were soon on our way for the 3hr 40 min flight.

A smooth flight out spent reading our books and we were at Manila in no time. Immigration at the airport proved anything but smooth though as some 21-year-old Immigration Officer tried to prove himself by asking and checking Aida’s and then my own passports.

Thankfully he had no wit or humour (part and parcel of the job I think) and he didn’t get my sarcastic replies, which probably would have seen us flying straight back home. Most annoying though was that he did all this in front of all the other passengers and that Aida had already proved all the required evidence at the Philippines Embassy in KL (this was an annoying three visits as well).



Manila Saturday 30st May Once through we headed to our hotel. Staying in Manila is not an easy choice as most of the hotels are

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SAGADA   Monday 1st June We have traveled overnight many times on our adventures so knew that sleep would be minimal on a bus (the

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Wednesday 4th June: Another early rise (see Tuesday), which we needed to do anyway to catch the jeepney to Bontoc (45 peso each) and then

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We woke up earlier than planned due to all the messages on my phone. My youngest sister Jo had given birth to her second child (Imogen) and my 6th niece or nephew. We headed to the ferry terminal, hoping to catch the 9.20am ferry to Bohol, however we were so early we managed to catch the 8am. Cost us 800 peso each for a return ticket.

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Cebu Friday 5th June We headed to the same hotel we stayed at previously in Bonafacio Global City and Aida had her first experience of

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Borocay Wednesday 10th June A 12 hour day of traveling and sitting in airports; my biggest gripe when traveling. 9.30am – depart hotel in Cebu

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