
Day 6

We were up early to continue heading south, this time to the small village of Ella. The views down are again magnificent, however the roads are very winding so thankfully the trip took only about 90 mins as travel sickness wasn’t far away. Arriving in Ella reminded us of somewhere like Vang Vieng in Laos or Koh Chang (before the modernization). Not many travellers hot here so it was fairly quiet and accommodation was easy to find, another green, this time Green Side View Inn.

The main attraction in Ella is to trek to Mini Adam’s Peak, which as the name suggests is a smaller version of Adam’s Peak, a 10km hike and peak not too far away. A mini hike was more to our liking and we headed off on the 1 hour walk to the top. I wore flip flops so you can tell the walk isn’t difficult which suited me fine as my trainers were rubbing and I couldn’t be wearing them again. We were pleasantly surprised at how stunning the views were, and the fact that hordes of dogs join you all the way, with no hassle from any of them was truly great. The dogs acted like Lassie, a sort of guide making sure you find your way ok, especially as when the clouds come in, it can be a little daunting. We got chatting to some Brits, Germans and Koreans at the summit about this, that and the other, which was quite a surreal location to chat with such views on every side of you.

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