Sunday 7th June

We woke up earlier than planned due to all the messages on my phone. My youngest sister Jo had given birth to her second child (Imogen) and my 6th niece or nephew. We headed to the ferry terminal, hoping to catch the 9.20am ferry to Bohol, however we were so early we managed to catch the 8am. Cost us 800 peso each for a return ticket. It was two hours down south and a smooth journey (although the seats were a little small), watching a classic Will Ferrell film (Blades of Glory) on the boats TV. As you arrive, you are as usual mithered by everyone from those offering taxi’s, to boat trips to island tours.

As we were there so early, we decided to do the island tour before checking in (we left our big bags in Cebu).

We went to see all the usual tourist hubs; Baycalan Church, Tarsier Sanctuary, Floating River Restaurant and of course, the famous Chocolate Hills. The weather was nice until we arrived at the Chocolate Hills, when down came the rain again. As we left, the sun came out again….typical. Still it was one of the main reasons to come to Bohol and was very impressive nonetheless.

Our hotel Cherry’s Too was right next to the main part of Alona Beach which was very reminiscent of Koh Chang, Thailand.

We had a little walk around and it wasn’t long until we saw a massage parlour with body massages for only 200 peso (less than $5). At that price we weren’t expecting much but we were thankfully both wrong as it was one of the best I’d had in a while. A 50 peso tip each may seem not much but both ladies seemed very happy (it’s surprising how many people don’t tip).

By this time it was now dark so we headed down to the beach for our dinner. There are lots of options to eat so you will be spoiled for choice. We settled for some fish and San Miguel before turning in early, as Aida was feeling under the weather again.

Monday 8th June

A bit of a lie in today; 8am wake up. After breakfast we headed to the beach for our Island Hopping trip. We were to travel to Balicasag and Virgin Islands. Just one other couple joined us, originating from Hangzhou China. Balicasag was where we undertook 30 minutes of snorkelling. It was very shallow and the coral was mainly rocks, but there was enough fish around to get some decent photos. As per usual, I got severely sunburnt on my back, despite wearing sunscreen, hence why I usually wear a t-shirt!! From there we headed to Virgin Island; which was a very small island but was like a Christian Religious Nativity. The water around the island was crystal clear and the sand was high so you could walk in from 30m out. We were back ashore by 2pm and was an ok trip considering it was 550 peso each.


Lunch was had at Helmut’s, a German bar at the top of the lane. We were catching the 6.30 ferry back to Cebu so hung around our hotel pool for a few hours before catching a tricycle to the pier.

9.15pm we were back in our hotel in Cebu and ready for an early night as I was struggling with my sunburn.